Why Experts Now Say Not To Remove Your Wisdom Teeth – The Risks

The Risks Of Not Having Wisdom Teeth Extractions

There is a lot of buzz out there on why experts now say not to remove your wisdom teeth. Specifically, this news usually mentions that if teeth are in the correct alignment, you don’t need wisdom teeth extractions. It also mentions the risks involved with the actual surgery.

However, very few people have their wisdom teeth come in perfectly without being misaligned or they erupted into a position where they could be properly cleaned. Also, the risks of surgery far outweigh the infection and problems that can arise without having your wisdom teeth removed.

I’ve discussed the issues related with wisdom tooth extraction and impaction in some of my previous blogs. Many of the patients who come to see me at The Centre for Oral Surgery in Joliet are in their teens or twenties and have acute wisdom tooth infections which also included symptoms like swelling, headaches, and significant pain. However, there are other problems associated with wisdom teeth that affect patients at any age.

Articles about “why experts now say not to remove your wisdom teeth” don’t often discuss cysts. 

When you avoid having wisdom teeth extractions, you may have the development of dentigerous cysts. When your wisdom teeth form, they are covered by a cap of soft tissue that exists to form the tooth (called a dental follicle). Usually, this follicle breaks open as the tooth grows into place, merges with the gum tissue and goes away.

However, when wisdom teeth are chronically infected and inflamed, that follicle can’t always follow its ideal charted path. Instead of going away, it remains in place and becomes inflamed and thickened… disrupting the growth of the bone surrounding it.

The longer it’s there, the more likely it is to break down, produce fluid and form a cyst. This cyst grows in size and creates pressure that causes destruction of the bone, allowing it to grow even larger!

Now, these dentigerous cysts are entirely benign, but they need to be removed because they can weaken the jaw bone over time. And if they grow forwards (instead of backwards), they can threaten the stability of the second molars by eliminating their underlying support. When this happens, the roots of the second molars can be damaged and require removal.

If these cysts go undetected, there is a chance that they can transform into something that would be even more involved. Don’t let this happen to you!

I’ll discuss this topic in more detail in the future, but these are just a few reasons why it is important to avoid delay when it comes to wisdom tooth removal and to look carefully at all of the news out there about “Why Experts Now Say Not To Remove Your Wisdom Teeth.”

If you’d like to learn more about wisdom teeth extractions, please contact
TheWisdomTooth Doc™ today here,  or call (815) 254-1560 or text (815) 473-3560.

We look forward to helping you!

Read more about wisdom teeth removal in Dr. Babiuk’s book, “What Every Parent Of An Adolescent Needs To Know About Opioids” on Amazon.