Here are a few numbers for you… 3%, 80%, 80% 1000, 21,70%, 100,000, 100,100. What do all of these numbers mean? You’re probably thinking, “I’m a dentist. I only need to know how to count to 32,” so why are these numbers important? When it comes to opioid addiction and its relations to dentistry, they’re important…
The thing that always puzzles me is that the Will County Health Department has a press conference near the end of every year where they talk about their efforts in the opioid epidemic. They’re always proud that they only have about 100 deaths per year, but I find this kind of perverse. How can you be proud of 100 deaths? Shouldn’t you be proud only if you have zero deaths?
This is a small excerpt from my recent article in Dentistry Today available here. To learn more and schedule your wisdom teeth removal consultation, contact us here.